MAF flew essential building supplies for Nazarene Health Services while helping support the economic well-being of the Dusin villagers.
On the 5th of October 2022, MAF pilot Jan Ivar Andresen banked his Cessna 208 Caravan onto the final approach for his second landing of the day at Dusin. Andresen had been hauling in equipment needed by Nazarene Health Services for the construction of a new health center and then shuttling out coffee that is essential for the livelihood of the Dusin people.
"I just observed how the crowd was cheering when they saw the plane, knowing the coffee could go out and they could get the money. That’s why they were cheering, " said Jan Ivar Andresen a pilot for MAF in PNG.
I just observed how the crowd was cheering when they saw the plane, knowing the coffee could go out and they could get the money. That’s why they were cheering…

Dusin Villagers
For the average person in Dusin, the coffee they harvest is their only source of income, according to Andresen. Without the help of MAF aircraft, the villagers could lose the vital income that helps support their needs, such as education, clothing, tools, and food, among many other essentials.
“Somebody mentioned that they need to get it out or the quality will just degrade rapidly,” said Jan Ivar.
Therefore, the time that the coffee spends grounded in Dusin can be incredibly detrimental to the value of the coffee beans and the village’s primary source of income. There are no roads in and out of the village and walking the coffee to market is just not a realistic option, according to Jayson Chris, a Dusin villager.
"We only move by plane. We can walk, but it's too far. The plane is easy for us. Otherwise, it takes three days, three days to walk out of Dusin," said Jayson.
We only move by plane. We can walk, but it's too far. The plane is easy for us. Otherwise, it takes three days, three days to walk out of Dusin.

Jayson helped in the harvesting of the Dusin coffee and has been lending a hand with the construction of the new Nazarene Health Services health center.
“They build this clinic with MAF in PNG and they build it to help,” said Jayson. “We will build it. They will bring medicine to treat people. This is for people who will get treatment.”
Nazarene Health Services has been serving the people of Dusin for many years and is working with them to build a new health center in the village.
The Dusin airstrip lays nestled alongside a mountain ridgeline and stretches a short and narrow 441 meters long with a 9% slope. It may take the Dusin villagers three days to walk out of the bush and into Mt. Hagen. However, when they can fly with MAF, it takes approximately 20 minutes to touch down at the airfield in Mt. Hagen.
Jan Ivar was able to haul 2,700kg of coffee from Dusin to Hagen in just three short trips.