Work with us!

Are you interested in working with a multi-cultural, cross-functional team providing vital services in aviation, communications and logistics to those in need in some of the most challenging and remote locations in Papua New Guinea and the world?

MAF is seeking people who feel called to work in overseas mission to fill a variety of key roles such as Country Director, Aircraft Engineer, Finance Manager, Pilot, Quality Safety & Security, Avionics Technician, IT Specialist and Human Resources.

First and foremost, MAF is looking for…

  • People called by God, qualified and dedicated with a passion to serve God in worldwide ministry…
  • People who will go the distance to share God’s love – no matter what the barriers may be…
  • People who want to serve God through their skills and talents to help overcome barriers to the Gospel…
  • People with servant’s attitudes that are flexible enough to adapt, while still able to work within the highest technical standards…
  • People who want to serve God through their skills and talents to help deliver relief and development in Jesus name…

Current Vacancies for Papua New Guineans

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Float Plane Pilot advertisement


Current Vacancies for International Staff wanting to work in PNG

Are you ready for an assignment that is literally more challenging than anything you can imagine? Ready to take the gifts, skills, and abilities that the Lord has blessed you with to make a difference in the lives of some of the most remotely located people in the world?
MAF Papua New Guinea may just be where the Lord is calling you!

Find current vacancies for self-funded missionary positions to serve with MAF Papua New Guinea and other programs on our MAFI webpage.

If you or someone you know might be interested to become one of our staff members please get in contact with the MAF Resourcing group of your respective country, or, for a first look, check out the worldwide vacancies on the MAFI webpage

There's an ongoing need for the following positions:

  • Experienced mission pilots
  • Licenced Aircraft Maintenance Engineers
  • Managers (IT, HR, Safety)
  • Teachers
  • Mission Experience Placements for short-termers