Three individuals shared their stories on how MAF enables them to bring help, hope and healing to the isolated.
Story by Tajs Jespersen
Hundreds of people fly with MAF PNG every week, and each one of them has a story to tell.
Peter Malt is one of those people.
Peter has been using the services of MAF to sell necessities in rural areas of PNG. He uses the profits from this business to help teens from remote communities attend high school.
"The school kids come and stay with me (In Mount Hagen). I buy them clothes, I buy them food and I pay for their boarding schools when term starts,” said Peter.

Peter is not the only one sending necessities to remote areas. Pastor Tumun Nekints sends children’s clothing to his grandson in Kiunga.
"The price of clothes in Kiunga is very high. We can buy clothes here in Hagen for a small price and send them to our son," said Tumun.
I have compassion for the people in the bush
The need for supplies in remote areas is always there. Issac Kaupa, who works with the Nazarene Health Services, used MAF to send medical supplies and other equipment to Sangapi Health Centre. There is no other way for the people in the bush to receive this help.
“I have compassion for the people in the bush. Here we have roads and services but in Sengapi it is hard. No service, no good health care, no good school,” said Issac.

Whether connecting with family, helping school kids attend high school or sending medical supplies to remote areas, the services of MAF are what enables this work.
"Without MAF nothing would happen in the remote areas... MAF is a roadlink, it's a key factor to the people of Papua New Guinea,” said Peter Malt.
MAF will continue to serve the remote places of PNG and enable help, hope and healing to reach the isolated.