On left, Jessica Hunt examining pregnant woman. On right, Bridget Ingham doing daily pre-flight test.
Mandy Glass, Tajs Jespersen, Ashley Leyenhorst

MAF pilot Bridget Ingham and nurse Jessica Hunt worked together to bring reading glasses to rural PNG communities like Hesalibi to enable people to read God’s word.  

Story by Ashley Leyenhorst and Bridget Ingham

MAF flies newspapers to remote airstrips and pilot Bridget Ingham delivered some to Hesalibi airstrip for those living there to stay connected to life outside of the village.  

On an earlier visit, Bridget had taken a photo of some of the men in the village reading the newspaper. This picture had made it on the cover of the next newspaper edition, and so Bridget was eager to show them their photo. 

Group of Hesalibi locals reading newspaper delivered by Bridget Ingham.
Bridget Ingham
The original photo captured of the locals reading the newspapers.

A local community member from Hesalibi was at the airstrip when Bridget arrived. After showing the newspaper and recreating the photo, the man told Bridget that he could not actually read the newspaper due to poor eyesight. He followed this by asking her the question; “Do you have any reading glasses?” 

In many of the rural areas, reading glasses are not readily available, and many people struggle to read the Bibles or newspapers they receive. When back in Mount Hagen, Bridget mentioned this issue to Jessica Hunt, a nurse married to MAF engineer Benjamin Hunt.  

Local men in Hesalibi recreating the original photo displayed on the newspapers they read.
Bridget Ingham
The recreation of the original photo.

Together, Jessica and Bridget were able to find affordable reading glasses and get them through MAF in Cairns, Australia.  

Following their arrival, Bridget returned to Hesalibi and brought the reading glasses with her. After landing she sought the previous local man out. 

“Do you remember that you asked me about reading glasses?” asked Bridget. “Today I have some.”  

“Ahh, my friend! My best friend!” exclaimed the man. 

Bridget was able to give a pair of reading glasses to the man.

So much of our ministry as mission pilots has nothing to do with flying aeroplanes!
Bridget Ingham, MAF Pilot

With these glasses, those in Hesalibi will be able to grow in their understanding of the gospel as well. MAF has been able to provide Bibles through the Bible Box project, but now many more can read and understand the Word of God because of Bridget and Jessica.  

“The reading glasses have already been delivered to the other (MAF) bases and put in Bible Boxes,” said Jessica. 

Throughout MAF PNG there are many people who play many roles and work together in a team effort to go the extra mile. MAF employees use the resources that God has provided them to assist in any way that they can. As Bridget said, “so much of our ministry as mission pilots has nothing to do with flying aeroplanes!”