Swiss family reflects on more than a decade serving with MAF Technologies
Story by: Joy Suarkia
“It’s definitely a job you cannot find in the western world and there is probably no other job that is so rewarding then to serve here.”
That’s how Lukas Schadegg looks back on his 11 years of service with MAF Technologies, formerly Christian Radio Missionary Fellowship (CRMF), based in Goroka in the highlands of Papua New Guinea.

It’s 11 years since Lukas accompanied by his wife Mahela and children left behind the mountains and relative prosperity of Switzerland for the jungles of PNG.
Originally hired as the Senior Technician, Lukas eventually took on the role of Technical Manager, overseeing the electronics, IT, and Solar Department at MAF Technologies. Each day was unique, and Lukas says that it was rewarding initiating the Wi-Fi Bible project, meeting the increasing demand for solar energy, and doing radio installations.

As they return home to Europe, Lukas reflects on the fulfilling nature of the work, which he says is unmatched by any job in the Western world.
“We thought we would come here to give and teach PNG about life, faith and about how to fix computers and do electronics but instead we were on the receiving end, and it does not compare to the sacrifices, we have made to leaving behind Switzerland to serve here in PNG,” he says.
His wife Mahela also played a vital role, managing family life in PNG and participating in various ministries. Their children actively engaged in mission activities and hospital visits with Mahela.
“I have learnt so many new things from PNG either from my colleagues that I’ve had the privilege of serving and from the remote communities whom I’ve had the honour to serve. I’ve learnt so much from their world view, values, family, hospitality, and spiritual life,” says Mahela.

Their children, Jael, Timon, and Benaja, essentially grew up in Papua New Guinea. Benaja was born at the Kudjip Hospital in the highlands of PNG.
Jael expressed, “I am so blessed to grow up in a Christan home and to have many believers around me. Attending a Christian school is another big plus and we have lots of fun. I also like hiking and going to rivers.”

Timon highlighted the joys of being a Missionary Kid enjoying hikes, the beautiful scenery and making friends and the challenges of frequent travel for home assignments, missing family, and friends. “Living in two different cultures is not easy,” says Timon.

Benaja says, “it was cool growing up in PNG I will miss my friends, tubing on the river and two of my favourite foods the 2-minute noodles and red sausages,”
Living in PNG did present its challenges, but the Schadegg family viewed them as valuable moments that strengthened their bond and faith in God and towards each other. Their journey was marked by God’s protection and blessings, even in moments of uncertainty.
Lukas shares, “God has protected us many times. An impactful event was when we travelled as a family to Madang. Our vehicle broke down in a very remote and unsafe place and we got frustrated and questioned God. Some hours later we learnt that a little bit further down the road there had been car hold-ups, and that God used our car break down to protect us from being robbed.”
MAF Technologies General Manager, Bryan Matthews recalls, “Ever since Lukas first project out on the field with me in 2013 in Sausi I knew that he would enjoy serving with the program. He engaged well with the communities and fitted right in. The same goes to his wife and children who settled well in the program,”
Bryan adds that the Schadegg have become more then colleagues, they’ve become a family to each of us sharing their life and time with us and contributing to the ministries goal and vision in serving together to bring help hope and healing.
Their contributions to MAF Technologies, including workshop operations, solar services, radio communications, outreach activities, and most importantly their friendship and kindness has left a lasting imprint on PNG and the MAF Technologies.