An MAF Technologies team guided a local PNG church on the dangers of social media and how to protect young people.
Story by Aquila Matit
A team of four from Goroka-based MAF Technologies conducted ‘Tech Talk’ training with a church ministry in Kudjip called the Community Church Network (CCN).
Caine Ruruk, team leader and MAF Technologies Ministry Partnership Officer, told the church in Jiwaka Province why the training was so important.
“Tech Talk is building awareness against the wrong use of technology. We are just warning the churches against its wrong use, the danger it brings to the members of the congregation, especially the youth,” Mr Ruruk said.

“Since the arrival of technology many churches and even the government were not prepared to grasp its negative impact. Many Papua New Guineans were only aware of its usefulness and were not prepared to overcome the dark side of it.”
The training, though covering broader use of technology, was focused on the internet and particularly the viewing of pornography and its negative impact on people.
“So, we are dealing with churches, church leaders, the congregation and especially the youths and we are finding out more. It is pornography that we are dealing with in depth, but we are also dealing with social media, video games and just wasting time on things that are not productive,” Mr Ruruk added.

Pastor Samuel Igusam remarked on the need for more to be done to help the church, and young people especially.
“Such a programme is a need, and since the first training, I have learned how to handle social media as a pastor,” he said. “Many of my youths and church members have given positive feedback saying they would want to learn more on this, and I am so happy we all have learned something towards change in the community.”

Women and children’s representative for CCN, Mary Igusam shared the value of the training.
“This is not just an ordinary training but a path into living a holistic life of God’s calling for every individual,” she said.
“I have not been given a chance to know the bad side of technology but now I am aware, and I would like to use technology only for the right purposes.”
I am so happy we all have learned something towards change in the community.
The MAF Technologies team were pleased with the number of attendees including four people from MAF’s Mount Hagen base, and two from Goroka who were also trained to be Tech Talk facilitators.
The training was warmly received, with leaders of CCN requesting that the MAF teams pray for them to handle technology and its issues well.
Ten audio Bibles were gifted to CCN as part of the event, programmed with English and Tok Pisin.

MAF Technologies Executive Assistant Sophia Okuk said the training was also intended to help people get to know Christ Jesus through the use of technology.
“We not only train people on how to use technology wisely but we are allowing people to know Christ through technology,” she said. “One of our services is delivering audio Bibles to people who cannot read and write, so that they get to know Christianity.”