medevac patient on stretcher gets loaded into the aircraft but only with the feet visible
Photo by Mandy Glass

When a pregnant woman with a breech baby went into labour, Sini Nema, the Nursing Officer in Charge (NOC) at Mougulu Health Centre, called for an MAF medical evacuation.

Story by Linsey Painter, photos and video by Mandy Glass

“It was my first time attending to a breech delivery. I had no one to show me what to do so I had to find a video on YouTube,” said Sister Sini, as she is called by the community.

“It is really painful when we try our best to do something but it's beyond what we can do.”

Babra Philip from Omabi village, a two-hour walk from Dodomona, delivered her previous three babies the village way. 

These "bush deliveries" take place far from the residential areas, often near a river, creek, or in a makeshift hut in the woods. Without supervision from any health worker, village women assist the mother, cutting grass, spreading leaves, and preparing a space for the birth.

It is really painful when we try our best to do something but it's beyond what we can do.
Sini Nema, Nursing Officer in Charge at Mougulu Health Centre

Having already lost her firstborn, Babra faced complications late in her fourth pregnancy. 

The Community Health Worker at Dodomona referred her to Mougulu Health Centre, where she was flown by MAF.

“I was the one who first checked Babra. Her baby was already 37 or 36 weeks, but she was not sure of the dates. It can be very complicated to know exactly when babies are due. I could already tell that the baby was breech.”

A baby in breech position can be a complex case, particularly in a remote heath centre with no doctor.

Sini Nema, Nursing Officer in Charge at Mougulu Health Centre

Sister Sini was pleased to welcome a visiting team of specialists to the health centre. Their midwife was able to confirm Babra’s gestation, and it was decided to wait another week before attempting to rotate the baby. However, before that could happen, Babra went into labour overnight. By that time, the visiting team had already left Mougulu. 

Sister Sini remembers the challenging hours that followed as she tried reaching out to doctors passed midnight, but her calls went unanswered.

Sini Nema attending to Babra in the delivery room
Photo by Mandy Glass

It wasn’t until very early in the morning, about 4:00am, that Sister Sini was able to talk with a doctor who could advise her on how to proceed. There were many complications with the delivery and the baby unfortunately died. Mother Babra was still alive, but her condition was deteriorating fast. 

At first light, MAF was called in for a medical evacuation. By lunchtime, Babra was in the care of health professionals at Tabubil hospital—while Sister Sini was exhausted from fighting for her and the baby’s life.

“I'm a soft person. I find these challenges very difficult. I cried and I went to the house,” said Sister Sini.

“But my colleagues said, ‘This is not our fault. We did everything we could, but it is because we live here.’ When I've seen patients die, I feel like quitting my job and going back to school to do something else.”

Babra's hand grabbing the IV drip stand
Photo by Mandy Glass

Amidst the hardships and heartbreak, there are moments of hope and gratitude, whether in witnessing a child's miraculous recovery or knowing that timely help arrived to save a mother’s life.

“We do have moments of success as well.”

Sister Sini tells of a five-year-old girl who arrived at the health centre suffering from tuberculosis and meningitis.

“She was like a skeleton, and she could not move, she couldn’t even eat.

“Now she can walk. In those moments, there are tears of joy running down my cheeks. Thank you, Lord.

children and teenagers along the airstrip perimeter fence seeing the plane of with Babra's medevac
Photo by Mandy Glass

“Thankfully, Babra is okay,” said Sister Sini. The MAF plane, piloted by Bridget Ingham, arrived in Mougulu and was able to transport Babra to Tabubil hospital.

“We could not save the baby, but Babra is safe and that is great news.

“MAF are on standby for every emergency. I really like MAF pilots, they are lovely. The pilots pray for the patients. You can see that they are very caring.”

Poem by Sini Nema, first published on her personal Facebook page shortly after Babra’s medevac


In skies so vast, where few can tread,

MAF takes flight, where others dread.

With mission clear, they soar on high,

To reach the places where hope can fly.


Through rugged lands, with wings so strong,

They carry hope, where it belongs.

And Pilot Bridget👩‍✈️, brave and true,

Guides each flight with heart anew.


Through storms and clouds⛈️, she leads the way,

Bringing light 🌞to a world of grey.

Her skill and care, they never cease,

In every journey, she brings peace🙏.


So, here’s to Bridget, with thanks profound,

For lifting others off the ground.

Your work, your heart, your steadfast quest,

Makes this world a little more blessed.


Pilot Bridget Ingham assisting one of the local health workers to install the IV drip for the medevac patient in the aircraft
Photo by Mandy Glass

Sini Nema comes from a place in Papua New Guinea with road access. Now she works in remote Mougulu, with only an airstrip to connect to the outside world.

After graduating from the Nazarene College of Nursing in Kudjip, Jiwaka Province, Sister Sini worked in Chimbu province. In early 2024, she moved to Mougulu, Western Province, becoming the NOIC at the local health centre which operates under the Evangelical Church of PNG’s Health Services.

“I came to Mougulu as an outsider, and I had to learn the language first. After a month or so of language learning, I knew the words for everyday illnesses, like diarrhea and cough.

“To give the best treatment to the patient, we have to understand their language. Communication is very important.”

Having worked in other parts of PNG where everyday access to hospitals and doctors is available, facing the remoteness of Mougulu is a fact sometimes hard to accept. 

“I just wish this place had road access so we could easily transport patients. Where I come from there is road access and everything is fine because we have the ambulance to transport the patient, and it's really easy. There is the pharmacy, the doctor, everything is available.”

Despite these difficulties, Sister Sini remains hopeful and committed.

“There are challenges, but I'll try and work hard to overcome them. I really love Mougulu, and I want to serve the people in this remote place.”